Ewsters eminenta årsresume

Här kommer en såndära klassisk årsresume som alla *coola* bloggare slänger ut såhär i början av ett nytt år. Läs och njut mina kära undersåtar. <3
Beskriv året med tre ord.
Stor, mäktig och god. Ja, talar om mig själv och mina prestationer nu. 

Så gick det med karriären under året. 

Tjohohoho! Var ska en börja? GBG är lagt under mina kungliga fötter och jag kan känna Amerikat dofta över Atlanten. Eller kanske snarare viska: "Come over here and ruuuule, PLEASE" *desperat viskning*

Så gick det med relationerna under året.

Tjänarna har varit mig trogna. Södertälyeah är alltid under kontroll när jag besöker mitt ursprungsrike (ps. kommer alltid ligga mig närmast mitt kungliga hjärta). Har givetvis skaffat ett gäng trogna tjänare i Götet + har en bunt andra människor lindade runt mitt royala finger + att alla övriga också älskar mig. Stabilt som vanligt alltså. 

Nya personer i mitt liv.

Se frågan ovan. Nyfunna tjänare + dyrkare = mitt dagliga liv. 

Bästa resan.
Komma hem till mitt hjärte-rike Södertälyeah efter sex månader som Queen af Zimsalabim. Borta bra men hemma bäst. Men med vetskapen om att mitt rike därnere är i mitt hårda järngrepp trygga händer och att min position som Queen icke är hotad. 

Bästa köpet.
Mitt nya 12-vånings palats i vit puts/smaragd/diamant med utsikt över HELA mitt göteborgiska konungarike. Detta är en Queen som vet hur en har kontroll. 

Det borde jag gjort mer av.
Jag är ju ganska fulländad om jag får säga det själv men ja, det skulle väl vara att ha tagit över en större del av världen. 

Det borde jag gjort mindre av.
Bestämt över andra? Nja, då skulle inget bli gjort här i världen! Sicken tur att jag finns. 

Största insikten under 2014.
Här får jag nog hänvisa till föregående inlägg om Det Ständiga Regnet i Göteborg och hur en bör handskas med det på göteborgares vis. Kika in det vet ja!

Det tar jag med mig in i 2015.
Ett riktigt STORT självförtroende. Och en STARK målmedvetenhet mot nya mål.

2015 - HERE I COME. QUEEN EWSTER ALLTSÅ. Hoho, är du där?

Postat av: Randiewho

Men du Ewster! Hej på dig också! Tack så jättemycket! Dina kommentaren på bloggen blir aldrig tjatiga!
En sväng i skogen ser jag fram emot! Kanske kan jag slå dig en pling på viber innan dess!

Å så till dig! Ditt mäktiga alter-ego dör aldrig ut! Alltid lika underhållande att höra hur det går för qween Ewster!
Keep on rolling! Puss

2015-01-18 @ 20:16:37
Postat av: TimothyKak

Вот, тут кто-то спрашивал где дозволено найти эту статью, кажется оно, может кому будет интересно. Оформление плохое, однако информацию, думаю, вы найдете полезной

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2017-07-31 @ 09:15:00
Postat av: Jamescof

I know what your woman wants…
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You can have good conversations with women, get them flirting, attracted and definitely interested in you.
You have blocks,
you are one of the men who have a small penis .
Then, you are worrying about it and wonder:
How to get a bigger penis…
Or how to dig up a huge dick?
I would like to share all the secrets I discover from Penis Enlargement Bible.
Penis Enlargement Bible . simply based on 2 pillars by Dr. John Collins :
Natural exercise – where you can increase the length, girth and width of your penis, with permanent results.

Biochemical growth– The main proven techniques aim to increase blood flow in penis in order to make your penis bigger & stronger.
Many men are somewhat unsatisfied with their penis but they have to suffer in silence, why?
—Penis size is a super sensitive one,I don’t dare speak about it to anyone.Here was a man talking about a penis in public like I’ve only heard men talk in private.
I’m very pro-“size is a taboo subject” thinking…
This program can be a positive for you to end worst nightmare instead of suffering in the dark.
One thing we want to clearпјљwe can’t reveal too much information about Penis Enlargement Bible book because its copyright, but in brief here are the effective basic penis enlargement exercises 8 Week Workout Plan that you have a try.
Basic Penis Enlargement Exercises
Weeks 1-3. Spend on exercise 15-20 minutes each day
Warm up – choose a soft warm cloth, gently massage your penis and surrounding area, do it about 3 minutes in a relax state.

Standard stretching -loosen up your penis before holding it to stretch up. down, left ,right and around for every 30 seconds. Never over stretch your penis! Repeat this exercise 2 times.

PC Muscle training-it is equally important for you to prolong your ejaculations each time.Train your PC muscle well with Kegels and you can achieve multiple orgasms. do this for 20 minutes ,then give your penis a sufficient rest.
Pay attention: too much PC muscle would lead to overproduction of testosterone that may result in premature ejaculation.
Standard jelp – Jelqing is a basic technique where you apply a milking motion up and down the shaft. You must use your thumb and forefinger and make a circle with your fingers around the base of your penis, do this for 10 minutes.
Weeks 4-5. spend on exercise 15-20 minutes each day
After 3-weeks training, you may feel a little growth on your penis, great. Now, pay attention to the following steps…
Standard stretching- take a seat with you back vertically straight and mare sure to lubricate your penis. With one hand, grab the base of your penis squeezing the penis shaft as you move towards the penile head. once there, use your other hand and start a new.
Do the squeezing routine for 3-5 seconds as you moved from the penis base to the head, repeat this action over a 5 minute period without attaining a full erection or ejaculation.
Standard Jelqing- Gently encircle your penis and moving your hand up to the head, concentrate of pushing the blood up the penis, when reach the head of penis, take the other hand to the base and perform the same motion with your other hand.

The Wrist stretch-Hold your penis below the head and stretch it gently to the left, right, up and down. Repeat it for 5 minutes.

The Big Squeeze- Put some pressure on the middle section of your penis, be gently stretch your penis. Keep repeating for 2 minutes.
Weeks 6-8. Spend on exercise 20-30 minutes each day
This is the last transitional stage. You can divide your exercises into morning and night.You should do more advanced exercises to make your penis get ready for growth. And now spend on exercise 20-30 minutes e

2017-08-11 @ 05:41:21
Postat av: TERenlPr

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Postat av: MichaelPus

Attempting to sell your property for cash and flipping houses for profit may be a terrific way to generate income when you look at the housing market, however it requires careful planning and preparation. By using the proper strategies, you can easily raise your odds of success and also make a substantial profit. In this article, we shall examine at length the steps you ought to decide to try sell your home for cash fast and flip houses for profit.

Determine the marketplace worth of your home: just before you advertise your property for cash, it is important to decide its market value. This can provide you with a sense of exactly how much you ought to sell your house for and can help you create informed decisions through the process. There are many methods to determine the marketplace worth of your property, such as hiring an expert valuator, checking your house to similar properties in your community which have sold recently, and using online tools such as for instance .

Price your home correctly: once you've determined the marketplace worth of your house, it is vital to price it correctly. If you cost it too low, you certainly will lose cash, if you price it too much, it could take quite a few years to market. To prevent this, remember to set an aggressive price this is certainly in line with all the latest marketplace circumstances. You'll be able to ask a realtor with their opinion from the best price for your house.

Make vital repair work and modifications: Before you sell your home for cash, make needed servicing and developments that may increase its value. Concentrate on places which will have the largest impact, like the kitchen and bathroom. Updating these areas makes it possible to sell your home for cash fast, because they are two of the most extremely worthwhile areas in the house. Its also wise to ensure that your home is well-maintained and clean. A clear, perfectly-kept up home may well be more attractive to potential customers and can allow you to sell your property for cash fast.

Stage your property: presenting your property will help increase its appeal while making it more appealing to potential buyers. This requires straightening-up, ordering accessories, and also creating themes which help create a warm and inviting atmosphere. A actually-organized personal may be a large selling point, therefore it is worth investing enough time and energy to accomplish it right. You may hire an expert home stager that will help you create an optimal living area for potential customers.

Market your property thoroughly: to offer your home for cash fast, you'll want to market it successfully. This can include listing your home on online platforms, using social networking, and hosting open houses. Make sure to highlight the greatest popular features of your property and offer a good amount of high-quality photos to demonstrate it well. You could think about hiring an expert lensman to take photos of your property to showcase it within the best possible light.

Consider using the services of an investor: should you want to sell your property for cash fast, give consideration to using the services of an entrepreneur. An investor could possibly offer you a quick, hassle-free sale with no need for conventional real estate professionals. However, it is important to research your facts and then make sure you are using the services of an established investor. You are able to search for an investor who focuses on buying homes for cash and will give you a good price for your house.

Identify an excellent flipping opportunity: To flip houses for profit, you will need to identify a beneficial alternative. Search for houses which are underrated, looking for repair, and based in appealing areas. The aim is to buy a house at the lowest price, make repairs and renovations, and then sell it for an income. To get a beneficial flipping opportunity, you can easily join real estate auctions, try to find foreclosures, or work with an agent who focuses on flipping real estate.

Perform thorough resear

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